After a great deal of tests and results, I was diagnosed with Leukemia today. There is no doubt about it. No if's, and's or but's. The kind I have is called Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. I was diagnosed through Palo Alto Medical Foundation Oncologist and Stanford University Pathologists. They know what they are doing.
Right now I am in the early stages. So, I am not too sick. Just bone pain and tiredness, low stamina and tummy problems, which is common for me considering my history. It's just a lot more, plus NIGHT SWEATS!!!
The chemotherapy is going to be in pill form, so I won;t have to be hospitalized. I will take it everyday for the rest of my life, or until my body rejects it. When or IF that happens I will requrie a bone marrow transplant. The ideal would be if it would be derived from my brothers or sister, if we match. That will have to be determined later. Maybe years later. Like I said. this kind of cancer is chronic. It is my understanding that it can be well controlled for some time.
I am not freaking out about it. The doctor seemed to be a little confused that I didn't cry or act disturbed or angry. I really felt little. It just seems like one more thing... After all, I have lived 43 years beyond the diagnosis of my previous cancer, Chondrosarcoma, (which is not related to CML in any way whatsoever). So all those years have been a gift and this somehow just seems like a fly on the window screen.
But, I do feel profoundly sad.
Picture was taken by Kats at Rio Del Mar Beach, Aptos, California. This is right near the spot where we fell in love.
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