
What Path to Take?

Is it time for a second opinion?

I could go to another oncologist's office locally or go to Stanford University.

To clarify something I said before that was untrue, but I didn't know it at the time. The clinic I go to called Palo Alto Medical Foundation is NOT related to Stanford as I thought it was. So that is why I am now considering whether or not to go there for a second opinion.

I've started the chemo drug Dasatanib (my personal Obi-Wan Kenobe) and have had annoying side effects for which I am not getting any relief. Do I live with this the rest of my life, without treatment? Not fair! They are not life threatening but they are detrimental to the quality of life.

I've been told I cannot take certain meds I normally take to assuage my body's need for them, and now that i do without, everything I was being treated for has reared it's ugly head. I don't believe in suffering needlessly. I stopped taking the chemo pill for two days just to have a break! Probably not very advisable!

I haven't had a chance to check yet, but I don't know if my insurance will pay for a third opinion. So, do I choose the other oncologist in the area for my second? Or go to Stanford?

Advantage to first is that it is local, a twenty minute drive, plus my old doctor who I saw for 15 years sometimes backs up for them since she has retired.
Disadvantage to Stanford is that it is about 65 miles away over a winding mountain highway and major freeway.

I've already called Stanford and their cancer dept. intake nurse has called me back and asked for all test results and doctor's notes. The test results I have and can easily fax them to her. I have to go through a little hassle to get the doctor's notes, but have started that process.

What path do I take???


Note: I took the photo of Kats walking toward the cove of trees above the cliffs at Davenport, California. It's a little altered to make it look a bit more mysterious.

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